Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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First published: February 1, 2025 - Last updated: February 1, 2025


Author: Corinna Albert

Title: Vergewaltigte Körper in María de Zayas’ Desengaños amorosos (1647)

Subtitle: -

Translation: Raped Bodies in María de Zayas' Desengaños amorosos (1647)

Journal: HeLix - Dossiers zur romanischen Literaturwissenschaft (HeLix - Dossiers on Romance Literary Studies)

Volume: 17: Frau – Macht – Körper. Verfügungen über den weiblichen Körper in der frühneuzeitlichen Romania (Woman - Power - Body: Dispositions over the Female Body in Early Modern Romania) (Edited by Corinna Albert, Dirk Brunke, Marina Ortrud Hertrampf)

Issue: -

Year: 2024 (Published online: December 20, 2024)

Pages: 65-89

eISSN: 2191-642X - Find a Library: WorldCat

Language: German

Keywords: Modern History: 17th Century | European History: Spanish History | Cases: Fictional Offenders / Manuel; Fictional Victims / Camilla, Inés, Isabel; Types: Rape Representations: Literary Texts / María de Zayas


Link: heiJOURNALS (Heidelberg University Library) (Free Access)


Author: -

Abstract: »This article analyses three cases of rape in María de Zayas’s Desengaños amorosos (1647), and the forms of deformation that the female bodies of Isabel, Camila and Inés undergo as a consequence of sexual violence. This article does not only describe the diverse mechanisms of male control represented in those cases but it particularly examines Zayas’s use of emblematic Early Modern discourse traditions and strategies as a means of depicting the raped female body. While the act of rape itself is not allowed to be rendered discursively, the deformed female body as a consequence of rape, on the contrary, is described and intensively discussed. This corresponds to other, particularly baroque discourse traditions, which take the body as a reflection of the epoch’s instabilities; it also caters to the audience’s predilection for monstrous and deformed objects and bodies.« (Source: HeLix)

  Abstract (p. 65)
  Körperliche Gewalt in María de Zayas’ Desengaños amorosos (p. 66)
  Weiblicher Körper, weibliche Tugend (p. 71)
  Der unerzählbare Akt, der unerzählbare Körper. Die Vergewaltigung als diskursive Leerstelle (p. 76)
  Deformation. Der geschändete Frauenkörper (p. 80)
  Konklusion (p. 86)
  Literaturverzeichnis (p. 87)
    Primärliteratur (p. 87)
    Sekundärliteratur (p. 87)

Wikipedia: History of Europe: History of Spain / Habsburg Spain | Literature: Spanish literature / María de Zayas | Sex and the law: Rape / History of rape